We finished Glendi’s house yesterday. Three days ago, I would have called it a tool shed. To Glendi it is a virtual palace.
She had been living in a 10X20 shack with her sister with a combined 7 children. Now she and her three children will move into their own 14X20 home! She was overwhelmed at the dedication, speaking of a new home for her children and the difference it would make in their lives. She asked for God’s blessing on the young men that built it, on their families, their parents specifically and on their churches.
Moms and dads, you would have been proud. You got a lot of credit from Glendi and Aurli, the head woman of the little village. Both recognized how wonderful the parents of these young men must be!
Another benefit of the guys’ work was the influence it had on the children. In a little neighborhood of about fifteen homes, there were only a couple of men. The kids hung on all of the guys and vied for their attention constantly. They were able to see young men work hard, do something of value to contribute to the life of the community and play with and love them.
Mission trip, $1220. Glendi’s home, $1200. Impact on our lives, priceless.
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